Get peace of mind with a WordPress service agreement that suits you

Sleep safe at night knowing that your website's security is under control.

24/7 monitoring

of your website

Lightning fast reaction

on security threats


of your website speed

Continuous update

of your plugins, theme etc

Downtime is not the cool time

WordPress is the most used system for websites and webshops and therefore also a very popular target for hacker attacks. Therefore, unfortunately, it occasionally happens that a page goes down. It can also be something else like a server crash or a plugin that creates a conflict in the backend.

But with a service agreement with me, you have my guarantee that I will react quickly and get your site up and running again.

Leave the technical stuff to me and instead focus on what you are good at

Should problems arise or you need ongoing WordPress help, my service packages are included. The Basic package is purely technical and security maintenance, while the other larger package includes half an hour of additional WordPress fixes such as setting up content, among other things, every month. The Premium package is suitable for those who have an ongoing need for corrections.

I answer your questions quickly, and I quickly and efficiently solve minor support tasks when they arise. That way, you can get on with what you're doing.

Service packages and prices

Choose the best solution for your business.


495 NOK / excl. VAT per month
  • 30 minutes of my time
  • Ongoing website backup
  • Technical update of your website
  • Security monitoring (every minute)
  • Antispam on forms
  • If the site gets hacked, it will be re-established free of charge
  • Support and advice via email or telephone.


695 NOK / excl. VAT per month
  • 30 minutes of my time
  • Ongoing website backup
  • Technical update of your website
  • Security monitoring (every minute)
  • Antispam on forms
  • If the site gets hacked, it will be re-established free of charge
  • Support and advice via email or telephone.

* A service agreement is paid for 6 months at a time and renewed by agreement. The "Premium" service agreement includes 30 minutes of my time, which can be used to either put a new image or text on your website, create a new page, support questions or something else entirely. Every month. A backup of your website will be made continuously. WordPress, plugins and the website's theme will be continuously updated if new versions are available. Every minute your website is monitored to see if it is "up and running". If it is not, I immediately receive a message that allows me to react immediately and solve the problem. Since WordPress is one of the most widely used CMS, it is often subject to hacker attacks. With the service agreement, the page is restored at no extra cost. If you have questions or doubts, you are always welcome to call or write an email.

Book a service agreement

Enter your information, choose a service agreement and press "send order", and I will contact you afterwards. The order is not binding. You are also welcome to call +45 60 67 63 45.